The Early Days

This was my introduction to the IT world, an Atari 800. It had a 6502 8-bit processor, and 48k of memory

My Computer Beginnings

I would not have guessed at the time, but an interest in computers as a hobby lead me to a career in them.
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Parsons Systems

Current Computer

Today I carry a Dell XPS 13 7390 "2-in-1". It has an Intel Core i7 processor, 16gb memory, and 1 terabyte SDD storage.

My Current Personal Computer

Things have changed a lot since I first got into computers. This is my latest computer of choice. By far, my favorite computer.
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First Mistake, Site URL

When setting up my main site as multi-site, the built-in process recommended using instead of I’m not sure why they recommended that, but I want to learn as I go, so I went along. still got me to the site, but it changed the URL each time; so I decided to change it back.

Everything still worked, but I noticed that the URL was redirected from to each time. That was not what I wanted, so I tried to change it back.

I thought it was as easy as going into the wp-config.php file, and changing the WP_DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE setting. It wasn’t. That caused lots of problems. So, I changed it back and did a search for the topic. Turns out that was just one of the steps, there were several database changes that needed to be made as well.

The good folks at WPEngine have an excellent article that walked me through the changes that need to be made. Rather than try to write it all out here and pretend I’m going to remember it, I’ll post the link –

So, first mistake done and fixed. I hope the others are as easy

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