The Early Days

This was my introduction to the IT world, an Atari 800. It had a 6502 8-bit processor, and 48k of memory

My Computer Beginnings

I would not have guessed at the time, but an interest in computers as a hobby lead me to a career in them.
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Parsons Systems

Current Computer

Today I carry a Dell XPS 13 7390 "2-in-1". It has an Intel Core i7 processor, 16gb memory, and 1 terabyte SDD storage.

My Current Personal Computer

Things have changed a lot since I first got into computers. This is my latest computer of choice. By far, my favorite computer.
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I’ve been using Elementor Pro a lot on the website for the Patriot Guard Riders, so I decided to convert my own website over completely to Elementor.

Elementor provides some really nice page-building features that we’ve already begun to implement on the PGR Website. I plan on using here for just the pages, and use the default Gutenberg editor, along with the Advanced Gutenberg plug-in to add some extra features.

I don’t edit content on this site very often, but plan on also converting this to a multi-site installation (again, because we’re using it on the PGR website). I have a couple of other sites that I update more often than this one, and that will allow me to experiment with some ideas I have on sharing content and managing a multi-site installation.

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